Bloemen Boskoop openingstijden, 2771 PP Kersengaarde 20

Aqua Line Aquatic Plant Services Boskoop

Niet gespecificeerd

🕗 Openingstijden 29 apr - 05 mei

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Kersengaarde 20, Boskoop, 2771 PP, Nederland
Tel: 0172217424
Fax: +31 (0) 172 462 272
Visit Website | Bloemen locator | Details bewerken

We are specialist growers of aquatic plants, and we can supply over 1.000 different types of different pond plants.
The plants we grow are; Lilies, Deep Water Aquatics, Oxygenating Plants, Free Floating Plants, Marginal, Bog, Moisture and Shade Loving Plants. We try to grow the majority of our plants on site but sometimes we have to use other sources. We try to grow around 90% of our plants/stock outside in a natural enviroment to enhance the plants to be hardy and that we can ensure that the plants we supply are true to name.

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Openingsuren op Kerstavond / Kerstmis / Spring Festival / Nieuwjaar
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